Highest Rated Comments

rebull3978 karma

Hello, whats one place you want to go before you die other then space?

rebull3973 karma

idk if u have answered this but how exactly does your simulation produce acurate results like i dont understand how u put in lets say 1000 mongolian horse back archers vs 1000 chinese spear men how can it posibly come up with the outcome when the enviorment can play a huge factor on a fight along with weather?

rebull3972 karma

im wondering what makes u sick everyone has something that makes them gag like with me for instance i can handle blood among other things but the second someone spits or has anything to do with spit i gag as an er nurse im sure u found out what makes u sick do u care to elaborate?

rebull3971 karma

if a civilion wanted to go for a ride in an f16 what is the easiest way to go about doing it? through someone in the military or through a civilion pilot?

rebull3971 karma

who do you think would win in a fight Reba or Sheila? What was the first thing you bought with your first big paycheck as an actor?