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reasonableposter3 karma
Thank you for creating this AMA anFSO, as a young college student who dreams of the career you hold this is a very informative and interesting thread. Anyways, I have some questions!
1) Looking at the base schedule for entry level FSO work, the highest class listed is 4 while the lowest is 6... are there any sort of qualifying factors would place a FSO higher then class 4?
If my understanding of this SOP notice is correct then it would seem that FSO entry level positions could offer up to 77.8k maximum pay with a Masters & 9 yrs of exp in a given field correct?
2) Is it hard to manage a family life overseas, with the constant shifting to and from assignments and what have you?
3) Do you anticipate a major need for a new crop FS officers going forward 5-10 yrs from now? Is their a risk of brain drain from all of the recent events and seemingly looming gov oversight as a result of those incidents.
4) This might be an odd ball question but in the event of war or threat of war what are the procedures for FSO's abroad? I'll give a scenario that's been on everyone's minds lately... what would happen if we had credible intel that NK would cross the DMZ and reinstate hostilities with SK/US. For the sake of the timetable, let's say there is a 48 hr window before the attack.
In this scenario are FSO officers & their families removed from the country, moved to bunkers or other fortified locations or what?
5) Are diplomats permitted to have relationships with foreigners while stationed on assignment?
Okay, I've written a hefty post and I could go on for days but I imagine you're busy enough as it stands so I'll cut it short for the night!
reasonableposter8 karma
How close is this to Side Meir's Pirates?
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