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realBrandiLove8411 karma

I was in Italy and I was hiking. I heard this tractor coming up behind me and I took my earbuds out. I didn't have great cell service so I was a little freaked out. This jolly farmer jumps off his tractor and says "Brandi Love". I don't speak Italian so it was a bit of a language barrier. He grabbed me and gave me a few kisses on my face!

realBrandiLove8369 karma

Spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy's!

realBrandiLove7802 karma

100%! That is an interesting question. I know there are bizarre cases of homes in LA/Vegas that people discover that they were being used for adult sets and it is frowned upon. Every house has sex in it - and if it doesn't then that's a sad home!

realBrandiLove6945 karma

Totally know and totally supportive. When they were little I taught them to be themselves. When it came out to the fullest, they were completely accepting. They are protective and understanding.

realBrandiLove6146 karma

Hmm. The most awkward was when I was with our child who was under 18 and the person was a pilot of a plane for a major carrier. He slid me a note and asked for an autograph, but it just wasn't the time!