Highest Rated Comments

reacherio-1 karma

Since people aren't playing Oldschool Runescape on our site and it's just one homepage, no complaints so far.

reacherio-2 karma

In America we used to always get a carryout large three-topping dominoes pizza with pineapple, feta, and jalapenos. And also I personally check /r/KnightsOfPineapple/ every morning and upvote every post

reacherio-2 karma

Let's work out a deal where you hire us but you have to pay us in premixed vodka cran martinis

reacherio-4 karma

Sometimes you're filling out the 200th piece of paperwork for the day and you look up to the ceiling and you ask yourself, "Is the meaning of my life to sell accounting software to fiscally conservative businesses?" and for some people that answer is yes, but for us it was no. It started out as a sexy salary which you then realize isn't even close to worth it.

reacherio-6 karma

You caught us. But really, startups and small business have very little financing, so trying to compete with Enterprise level marketing is often out of the question. People are happier to take a leap if they aren't risking much.