Highest Rated Comments

re_dditt_er532 karma

Does the fact that you don't have blood pumping through your forearm confer to you extra stability and accuracy?

re_dditt_er6 karma

How much superstition is there? Do children deal with more or less bogus alternative medicine, religious indoctrination, misinformation, etc., relative to the US?

re_dditt_er5 karma

Why get a new wolfhound if OP can get a new wiener.

re_dditt_er2 karma

Holy shit, Chekov was Bester?!

Mr. Koenig, if hypothetically Spock had a phaser to Mr. Bester, and was taking him back to the Enterprise brig via a long and silent shuttle ride, how would Mr. Bester metaphorically get under his skin and/or try to escape? What would be the most memorable quip from that exchange?

edit: Oh oops.... 12 noon...

re_dditt_er1 karma

from the American Diabetes Association:

Insulin Additives

All insulins have added ingredients. These prevent bacteria from growing and help maintain a neutral balance between acids and bases. In addition, intermediate and long-acting insulins also contain ingredients that prolong their actions. In some rare cases, the additives can bring on an allergic reaction.


Maybe your doctor was competent and did tests with pure insulin. Maybe he didn't.