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rcknrll5 karma

I read his omnibus and Marabou Stork nightmares was my fav too!

rcknrll5 karma

Hi Dr. Jud,

I've never been able to follow a routine and never put things back where I got them. My friend would say that I'm smart and caring but disorganized. It seems like a like conscientious is something I lack, where do I start?

rcknrll2 karma

I've already talked to my therapist and they asked the same question. It's hard to put in words but being disorganized is a constant and pervasive source of stress.

Constantly looking for my things, forgetting appointments, I can't even take medicine like antibiotics or birthcontrol on a regular schedule. I barely remember to feed my pets everyday but that is the closest to a regularly performed task I have been able to achieve.

I'm smart and can hold down a job but it's really affecting my personal life.

rcknrll2 karma

I can't wait. Congrats on your success, keep that momentum up!

rcknrll1 karma

Yeah, that's my problem right now. 8 years of picking at it 1-3 classes at a time. Almost done, just one more semester for my AA lol.