Highest Rated Comments

rattleandhum89 karma

Agreed. He was the only reason I watched it.

rattleandhum42 karma

any particular reason why? (I'd appreciate even the technical aspects... I mean, will the chemistry kill you?, for one)

rattleandhum8 karma

Always loved your work, thank for keeping it free and available despite publishing your works in printed editions. That's cool (even if you use comic sans).

I just went through and read your take on Revelation - wow, that John... what a guy.

I'm curious to know if you use the term "atheist" (as you denote in the title of this AMA) as a non-believer in an anthropomorphic diety within the Judeo-Christian context (ie: not a a believer of the "God of the Bible", and as such most likely not a believer in the god of the Koran, Zoroastrianism and the Torah) or to denote a lack of belief in anything. In other words, what are your own spiritual beliefs? Atheist (always tricky to define exactly, but shall we say someone who "knows" there is no god), Agnostic, Pantheist or (least likely) a worshiper of Glycon?

Keep it up, your project is awesome.

EDIT: As crazy as the bible can be, do you think your thorough reading of it and subsequent construction of so many set pieces and characters has influenced your own set of ethics (for better or worse) and belief system? What lessons would you say are worthy take-aways from the bible, and what huge misconceptions would you like to put to rest?

rattleandhum3 karma

Awesome, thanks for your answer. Keep at it, you're doing... uh... "god's" work....?

rattleandhum3 karma

Thanks for your reply Brendan!

I another question which led off from one you answered earlier:

As crazy as the bible can be, do you think your thorough reading of it and subsequent construction of so many set pieces and characters has influenced your own set of ethics (for better or worse) and belief system? What lessons would you say are worthy take-aways from the bible, and what huge misconceptions would you like to put to rest?

Also, how long have you been at this now?

Have you counted how many images in total you have made?