Highest Rated Comments

randomcoincidences41 karma

Even lawyers at the top of their fields dont represent themselves.

randomcoincidences18 karma

Hey just gonna throw my two cents out there - if someone doesn't want my help thats completely fine. Don't feel like you/her are being rude by refusing help or offending anyone who she declines help from. Able bodied people get offered help and accept and decline it all the time too.

I'm just as likely to hold the door for an able bodied person as I am for anyone else. The only time I've ever run to help someone was an old lady who couldnt get her rolling walker out of the crosswalk as the light was changing.

A wheelchair, crutches, paralyzation or extreme pain doesn't mean you're not as fiercely independent as the rest of us. And trying to help isn't pity when it comes from me - I don't doubt that any of the people I've ever helped could've done it themselves. They were in public by themselves usually. That in itself should tell you they do this often and are quite capable on their own. I just take joy in helping people; from holding a door, to helping elderly people carry their groceries or complementing people who look like they're not having a great day so they can feel good about themselves.

Being nice is its own reward; I've lost nothing by offering and being turned down and don't think you're a rude person for not accepting. Everyone's got their own reasons for the things they do.

randomcoincidences17 karma

Besides its a whole lot easier to avoid perjuring yourself, even if having a non bias opinion helps.

Its like how everyone knows what advice to give for people in a relationship but when youre in it, you can make a bunch of otherwise obvious mistakes

randomcoincidences16 karma

Seeing a lot of those has been on my bucket list my entire life. Between extremist groups and natural disasters I need to stop waiting before more are gone.

randomcoincidences11 karma

This is the thing thats hitting home most of all for me. Lots of these people lost everything, family, friends, homes, livelihoods; but they're still helping everyone else. All these stories of guides etc going above and beyond are heart warming. The Nepalese are a truly great people.