Highest Rated Comments

raldara38 karma

Glad you are doing well and I'm sorry you had to go through such a scary thing.

I think it is important for people to note that "stage 4" is used in staging a lot of tumors, but typically people are used to hearing it terms of meaning "most severe cancer" and it can mean many different things in terms of which specific disease it is being used to describe. Often this means the tumor has metastasized into remote areas of the body.

JNA is generally benign (see his proof paper, his was benign), and staging info seems unclear... http://radiopaedia.org/articles/staging-of-juvenile-nasopharyngeal-angiofibromas

Can you tell us why yours was classified as stage 4 JNA? Was it the involvement of the optic nerves?

Why was medical history made? did you get into the medical literature for treating your unique condition?

I was treated for a childhood issue that they discovered a new treatment for and I'm in some medical literature (as child B, lol). It's pretty cool to know your case will help someone else in the future. :)