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rakkamar24 karma

What is something that you wanted to get into the Witness that didn't make it in the final version?

rakkamar7 karma

Hey Jick. I played KoL for hours and hours and hours way back when (pre (and post) NS-13). Every now and then I get the itch to pick it back up again, but knowing how ridiculously deep and complicated the game was back then (at least the way I chose to play it) and how much more complicated it's certainly gotten in the last ~10 years, I can never justify the time commitment to jump back in. How much do you worry about this in your continued development of KoL?

rakkamar6 karma

I currently find myself unemployed with a decent cash reserve and am considered spending some time trying to become and indie game dev. I'm not under any delusions I'll create the next Binding of Isaac in the next couple years, and I'm financially stable enough that I don't actually need to be turning a profit for at least a couple years (maybe longer), but it'd be nice to at least make something resembling a living wage. Am I completely wasting my time? Any advice you'd give for somebody in my position?

rakkamar2 karma

In your experience, how commonly are accusations of sexual assault/harassment completely fabricated?