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radradraddest118 karma

As a Jew who was raised in a family profoundly affected by the Holocaust, and taught to "never forget," I applaud you for your efforts and apologize for the lack of collective support.

Are there efforts or ways to mobilize collective support from Holocaust survivor / remembrance networks or agencies? Are there conventional ways of activating our deeply ingrained sympathy and awareness of our own peoples' plight and transferring it to this ongoing genocide?

Thank you for doing this and for all the hope you bring to others. I wish you all the best!

radradraddest8 karma

Yes!!! I'm a Lymphoma survivor as well and I'm doing emdr to help cope with lingering PTSD from my treatment!

radradraddest8 karma

Realest shit I've read in a while. Thank you, I loled so hard.

radradraddest5 karma

Hi friend, I'm a Lymphoma survivor as well!!

How well informed are you about long term / secondary issues? Depending on the specific treatment you had for the Lymphoma, there might be issues to consider down the road when you're 10+ years out. I know that in the immediate aftermath of achieving remission, it's one of the last things people want to consider. But if you ever want to chat about what could come next, hit me up!

I had ABVD chemo + mantle cell radiation.

I'm 15 years post treatment and the last several years I've had a bunch of secondary issues pop up. The biggest concern for me now is breast cancer. I've had melonomas removed from my skin twice, likely a result of radiation. I have dental issues, again, radiation. My thyroid doesn't naturally function anymore (radiation) and I've been on thyroid hormone replacement meds for over a decade. I have nodules in a lung that developed during radiation, which now requires periodic follow up to ensure they don't grow (so far they haven't). My veins got pretty sclerosed from trying chemo via IV at first, thankfully I had a port placed and that saved my veins for sure.

I'm not trying to scare you and I know this is a celebratory time.

Cancer is super complicated, though. I shut down and just became super goal oriented and compartmentalized everything during treatment. I was in school, working, and undergoing all of my treatments... It was a super busy time. The psychological aspects of what I endured didn't hit me until I was a little ways down the road. Therapy has been very helpful, and I'm even in trauma therapy now to help me process aspects of cancer that I still haven't dealt with.

If you need an ear, a shoulder, or want to talk about correlary issues worth considering, just let me know.