Highest Rated Comments

radiant_coconut_21 karma

"The point of no return" wasn't the best term. What I meant was "With the current technology (maybe a little more developed in the future), could we reverse climate change or at least have some sort of control, or we need some brand new revolutionary technology to be able to stop it?"

radiant_coconut_21 karma

It wasn't the best term, but I hope you understood what I meant

radiant_coconut_21 karma

Did global warming pass the point of no return, or do we still have time to fix it?

radiant_coconut_21 karma

If the current most promising vaccine is good, how long will it take until it will be able to be spread in mass?

What could I say to the people that don't belive in the virus or think that the doctors are adding up more cases than there actually are because "tHeRe aRe BiGgEr inTeReStS iN ThE mIdDle"