Highest Rated Comments

rabbitsandbunnies20 karma

Hey Scot, a few questions.

what made you decide to be a bench only competitor?

Do you still incorporate deadlifting and squats as heavy accessories for your posterior chain and back ?

What type of shoulder prehab work do you do ? and what do you think has helped the most in keeping them healthy

rabbitsandbunnies8 karma

Hah, yeah, this is true. I wish people asked about my squat, I've got that honed in. My bench technique is really only finding it's footing now.

rabbitsandbunnies6 karma

Pretty simple what the harrasessers need to do. Learn about consent and treat people with respect.

What can the festivals do?

rabbitsandbunnies5 karma

Powerlifting is already making me broke I don't want to go into debt. But my bench is coming up nicely. At the start of the year I was struggling to rep more than 2 reps at 100kg and now at 110 2×5 by using a combination of speed work, more back work and a bunch of hard work.

rabbitsandbunnies1 karma

This is the news I've been waiting to hear since I saw you with your band. I've only seen you 3 times but you've added power and punch to your sets in my opinion by adding the band. I am forever grateful to have witnessed it.