Highest Rated Comments

quible117 karma

What is your opinion on laboratory cultured meat? Would you be opposed to "raising" slabs of lifeless animal protein for consumption?

quible4 karma

Its people like you that give the rest of us hope. It isn't easy to keep such a beautiful soul when surrounded by so much negativity. Here's hoping for a quick recovery!

quible2 karma

well not dying is certainly a plus! Did the surgery restore your vision?

quible1 karma

Do most giants (is that even the right term for someone with gigantism?) have to have their pituitary glad removed to cease the growth? I always figured they grew the same as everyone else, just a lot more of it

quible1 karma

If I may ask, what made you decide to have it removed? Were there medical complications, other than the never ending growth, that lead to your decision for removal?