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quellac62 karma

Here's the site for my Bowie show that I've been doing for the past 4 years, www.MeandMrJonesShow.com. You can find video, photos, bios, etc. there.

We'll be doing Me & Mr. Jones again at Franky Bradley's as part of Philly Loves Bowie Week, Jan. 9th & 10th, 2020!

quellac38 karma

I actually was living in San Francisco for his '97 concert at MSG and was ridiculously broke. I tried so hard to get to NY for it but alas...I did manage to watch it at a friend's on Pay Per View since my broke-ass 28 yr old self didn't have cable either.

What was/is so incredible about his 50th Concert was his sheer joy! He was in such incredible form and voice. Not to mention the McQueen couture! The whole show was pure generosity.

Our concert is filled with brilliant guests who are generously lending their talents. We too are doing the show for charity. Oh, and my brilliant costume designer David Quinn NY is building me a homage to those distressed McQueen coats! We're also adding some post '97 Bowie songs. It's gonna be pure joy for us!

quellac24 karma

Aw, shucks, thank you! It's all about lighting.

quellac22 karma

I always wanted to be a performer. As Spalding Grey said, "for some it's an ontological condition." I was raised on '70s variety shows. As a kid I wanted to be Cher. Still have a penchant for all that glitters.

I think my favorite shows as a kid were The Cher Show and Electric Company.

quellac16 karma

Well, my birthday is July 19th, so, I'm fond of a 19. 19 was a good age too. Ah, youth...