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purana40 karma

I went to a haunted house and handed out business cards to the actors (I'm a mental health professional). It was fun and got some laughs. What are some funny things that people going through have done that weren't expected?

purana3 karma

I'm a mental health counselor and I read your books as part of my education and informal research into stress, anxiety, and PTSD. First of all, thank you. What is, in your opinion, the relationship between external events and what happens in the brain? In other words, has the external environment shaped the way the brain functions (is the brain a reaction to its environment) or has the brain developed to navigate and overcome the environment (is the brain a tool for understanding and overcoming environmental challenges)?

purana2 karma

Come to think of it...do dragons even make their own tacos??

purana2 karma

Just wanted to say I read this book about 50 times to my son. Actually...How do they get boatloads of tacos? Do they hire people?

purana1 karma

Knoxville: what was it like hanging out with Phil Kaufman?