Highest Rated Comments

puppydog1234212 karma

First of all.. I am not in any way condoning banning any types of books, and I have really enjoyed your relatable tone and writing style. That said, my middle school pretty much didn't have any bans on books, and it was considered "cool" to read books that talked about things like sex and violence because we wanted to be like the older kids. Because of this, I read several books when I was 12-13 that kind of freaked me out, including some parts of the TTYL series. Have you ever considered putting age recommendations on some of your books? I think I would have enjoyed your books more, and been able to relate to them a little better if I had read them in my later teen years. And that might get some of the jerks off of your back who like to ban your books.

puppydog123421 karma

Your incentive is to do neither because both are stupid.