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pteam-pterodactyl3 karma

If a writer has no literary degree nor publishing credits-- basically nothing but a good piece of writing to show you-- what should we say in our cover letter?

pteam-pterodactyl2 karma

What really grabs your attention in a story and makes you keep reading?

pteam-pterodactyl2 karma

Thank you, Lorin. It's unusual, but I know exactly what you mean.

pteam-pterodactyl1 karma

Hi Barbara! I don't have a question. I just want to say that when I was fifteen I visited my brother in Minnesota and we saw 'Nickel and Dimed' on stage. I grew up in a large, low-income family who looked down upon hard work and education. That play really opened my eyes at a young age to the realities of adulthood, and the importance getting ahead. I'm 28 now and doing quite well, thanks in part to you. So thanks! The lessons on equality were just as effective and less easily forgotten.