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pskeeter767 karma

Biting my lip on accident, my lip swells up a fuck ton, haha.

pskeeter520 karma

It's an allergic reaction. Technically I am allergic to sugar, but you can't stop consuming sugar due to an allergy to it because you would die. When pressure is applied to my skin it releases sugar as a defense to the pressure, so of to much pressure is applied to much sugar in my body is released at once and flows through my veins witch will cause anaphylaxis, so EPI pen is nessicary.

pskeeter455 karma

I do have tattoos, 11 of them. Some of them are very large. To be honest it's quite hard to find an artist who will tattoo you, as you have to show them how to use an EPI pen before hand and because usually, I take about 10 Benadryl before getting a tattoo (you have to notify the artist that you do this) and you can't be all butt hurt if they deny you, it's safety. I'd recommend not getting tattooed anywhere besides a shop and not by someone who is new to tattooing, it could be bad.

pskeeter341 karma

I've tried a lot of long term allergy medications but none of them work because none are really meant for a sugar allergy, more like pollen or animals, but Benadryl brings down swelling and hives, so that's why I normally go to that, I've formed more of an immunity to the side effects of it and It just work against my swelling now! and of course here you go. http://imgur.com/Im7BmnA (just so you guys know this won't cause me to have to use an EPI pen, only constant hours of being tattooed or a massive amount of pressure, not putting myself at risk)

pskeeter287 karma

i wish, that'd be pretty cool