Highest Rated Comments

prophetben24 karma

I rarely read Slate before I started listening to the podcast. Now, Slate is one of the first places I go for news and commentary. I also especially look for articles from the all three of you because I feel like I know you.

prophetben14 karma

The farm bill really irritates me with all the subsidies going to grains such as corn pushing down the price of corn syrup which is in everything and which could be said directly relates to our country's obesity epidemic. It only comes up, what, once every 5 years, then we are stuck with it. Also what's up with the built-in crop insurance that subsidizes farmers worth millions of dollars so they are guaranteed to get richer. Seems like a super broken system to me, yet no one is talking about it because Iowa get's to pick our next president.

prophetben13 karma

David, I'm really amazed at how good the Political Gabfest is. You guys make it sound so easy, but I've listened to enough other podcasts to know you guys have put a lot of work into making it super special. How were the three of you picked as regular members of the gabfest. You all have great voices for "radio," I love that all three of you have very distinct voices. Was that intentional?

prophetben3 karma

I know the numbers from iTunes are really important, but do Stitcher listens help you too? How much money do you actually get from sponsors of the podcast, and how many listeners to a podcast would one need to have it be a viable full time job?

prophetben3 karma

I know you have to love 99% of your job, but in the writing, production, and administration of putting the podcast together what's that 1% you wish you could hire someone else to do for you?