Highest Rated Comments

pronouncedspenco9 karma

Thanks! You'll recognize me because I will open by asking you that question again, and by my kind eyes.

pronouncedspenco7 karma

Josh, when is the next time you'll be in or around Maryland, or D.C.? Definitely hoping to get an autograph. Also, if you were a yogurt, would you be fruit on the bottom, or stirred?

pronouncedspenco2 karma

Yes! Hoping someone would get it

pronouncedspenco1 karma

As a scientist, I find it almost annoying that seemingly "all spots on the map are filled in"...but it's shows like yours that remind me that there's still so much about this world that we don't know. If you could ask one famous explorer for just one story of adventure...would it be Marco Polo who said on his deathbed "I have not told the world of half of what I've seen"? Or someone else?