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produit118 karma

What is being done about the largest plastic polluter Coca Cola? Last year they stated that people want plastic bottles so they will keep using them. They have little to no regard for the environmental impact. Is there a way to force them to use sustainable alternatives?

produit15 karma

I don't buy it. It doesn't start at the consumer level. This is one giant corporation buying from the plastic making industry directly. Its a multi billion, multi year/ decade deal.

Me, you, a hundred or tens of thousands of people suddenly stop drinking coke from plastic bottles has no immediate impact. Those bottles are still physically there. This is a regulation issue.

produit12 karma

The Aluminum Association, an industry group, estimates that almost 75 percent of all aluminum ever produced is still in use. Can you say the same for the plastic bottles? No new bauxite required.

Monster, an energy drink comes in servings comparable to single serving coke bottles. Water now comes in cans.

Again, why not crop based plastic? Why petro-chemical based plastic?

If the next hit of sugary caffeine and propping up the oil industry means more to you than the future of the planet, then you are the problem (not you specifically, but YOU in the general sense)

The world doesn't need coke, it needs sustainability and to kill off the petro-chemical industry once and for all.

produit11 karma

Coca Cola use plastics bottles because THEIR customers drive them to use plastic bottles. You even acknowledge that in your OP

No, that is coca cola's argument, not the consumers. I have seen no research reports that say the public are supportive of plastic bottles to the detriment of the environment. This is a coca cola fact spread by their marketing department.

produit11 karma

Consumers not buying from retailers is a totally different thing to manufacturers that supply companies. Consumers don't have multi year contracts with coca cola locking them in to buy coke.

My original point is that even if millions of people stopped drinking coke from plastic bottles today. It would not effect the fact that those plastic bottles are already on shelves and exist. The damage has been done and those bottles will be around for hundreds of years unable to decompose.

It really does start from the top down, aluminium or stainless steel cans and crop based plastics that are bio biodegradable in the supply chain are a start.