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prikaz_da67 karma

Not directly relevant to what you're saying, but this is the second time in the last few days I've seen someone have every attempt to write "I" by itself turn into another character with a box attached to it. What the hell is that? It shows up as an exclamation mark with a box in your post, but as a capital A with a box when I paste it into the address bar. I can paste it in other places and it's either a totally normal capital I or one of those two.

EDIT: copied and pasted the character into a plain text file, then looked at the hex values. It seems to be a normal capital I (U+0049) followed by U+FE0F VARIATION SELECTOR-16. Now it's just a matter of figuring out why those are getting inserted. Normally, the character is invisible and is used to specify that a character which has both emoji and text representations should be displayed as an emoji.

EDIT 2: this is an issue with autocorrect on iOS 11.1. Apple says it'll be fixed in an update shortly; for now, you can disable predictive text or add "i" > "I" as a text shortcut.

prikaz_da62 karma

Did you write the Navajo in the OP yourself? I've never met a Navajo speaker before. That's pretty awesome.

prikaz_da34 karma

What do you think about the TWL not including a significant number of words that are actual English words? Off the top of my head, I remember being surprised to find that grimoire is in CSW/SOWPODS, but not the TWL—it's not a specifically British word, and yet you're technically bluffing if you play it in the US or Canada because it's not on the official North American word list.

prikaz_da19 karma

Between the commute, the job itself, and what amounts to a second job at home, this guy doesn’t even leave himself 10 minutes a day to read a book or something, and that’s without adequate sleep. I can’t imagine voluntarily living like that.

prikaz_da15 karma

stripper is the more common term out of the two. exotic dancer is a phrase used mostly as a less overtly sexual substitute for stripper. The activity is inherently sexual, though, so using the euphemism looks like an attempt to sanitize it or place it behind a thin veil of decency.

Having said that, I don't agree with /u/assblasters_inc's conclusion that belittling strippers is necessary to make pole dancing outside a sexual context "more legitimate".