Highest Rated Comments

prebreach2 karma

Agreed. There has to be some meaningful corrective action/changes to fix this at the root. πŸ‘πŸΎ

prebreach2 karma

How can students ( ...highschool, undergrad, grad...) get involved?

Thank you in advance for your suggestions and guidance!πŸ™‚

prebreach2 karma

I love this energy/insight!

...demand it... ...become the conscience... 😍 Yes, we must require that an inclusive mindset is present and at work as new tech is developed and made available! πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ”₯

prebreach2 karma

Since "tech is shaping the contures of the future," how do you we ensure that we develop learning and employment opportunities with an eye toward inclusion and diversity?

Thank you!πŸ™‚