Highest Rated Comments

prariedan531 karma

Started from the bottom now he here

prariedan65 karma

That's actually really fascinating. I never would of thought about that.

prariedan17 karma

Hey guys! I’ve been a longtime fan ever since I saw you open for The Shins in Portland in ’08. My favorite memory of seeing you guys live is when some friends and I drove 26 hours through the night to catch you in at The Waiting Room in Omaha for the History From Below tour because that was the only venue we could get into under 18. You guys inspired me to become an Intern at Prairie Sun studios where History From Below was recorded. I got to know Studio C, The Waits Room, and all of the chickens pretty damn well.

My question is this: at what point did you guys to decide to drop everything and go all in on making it as a band?

Thanks for inspiring me and making some of the best music I have ever heard. Stoked to see you again at The Fillmore in October.

prariedan8 karma

Hey Thomas. Do you do record/produce/create your own music? If so, what is your setup gear wise?

Also, how big is your record collection?

prariedan3 karma

Hey these sound great man. Thanks for making some killer music. I recently got into production work in Ableton myself and it really lends itself to creativity. Thanks for the reply