Highest Rated Comments

pppparf246 karma

how do people normally respond to your size?

pppparf225 karma

i really enjoyed the japan sex story, was there any other places that you went to that didn't make the cut? one more question, where does vice go from here? can we expect more long form documentaries over time? i hope you all keep up the good work.

pppparf78 karma

do you know if the show will ever be shown here in the uk?

pppparf32 karma

the new vice documentary was honestly brilliant, thank you for that. i want to ask, does the feelings of the advisor shown in the film represent that of many like him? and following that. did it strike you how kind of messed up it was that although the advisor was in the meeting with the ambassador, that he was not able to express what was really happening on the ground? again, thank you. i hope that you continue to work with vice in the future.

pppparf29 karma

thanks for answering, if you ever get in touch with major steuber again. could you ask him to maybe do an ama one day? it would be great it ask him some questions.