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potentmoraltoxin5 karma

What do you want your next step in life to be and what is your dream job? Do you think this experience is helping you reach your goals?

potentmoraltoxin4 karma

That is terrible and disheartening. Sorry to take up your time but now I'm overflowing with questions! Do they seem enthusiastic about learning still or is it all business and a class full of dead eyes? What was their reaction to you? Did they have a lot of questions about what life was like for you overseas? Do you feel like your helping at all to bring a little fun into their lives or is it all very regulated?

potentmoraltoxin3 karma

That's fair. I hope you find something your passionate about! Maybe you'll meet some people who will eventually help you to go where your new-improved dreams want to take you! If you don't mind one more question; have any of the children you've taught made a lasting impression on you or have you connected with any of them enough to want to keep up with them and see how their future unfolds?

potentmoraltoxin2 karma

I dont know how you handle it. I'm glad they have you to at least let them know that there are other ways of life and options out there for their future. I'm sure you've inspired at least a few of them. Thank you so much for answering my questions. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you keep us updated and do another ama when you go east!