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potentialnamebusines4 karma

How would you nerf Athena without breaking her?

potentialnamebusines3 karma

Correct me if I am wrong, I feel as if I am misunderstanding you.

You infer that James Holmes was influenced by The Dark Knight Rises even though he decided to commit the shooting when it was just released. If he had never seen it before (barring pirated copies, mayhaps?) how would it influence him?

Or is it more along the lines of "I'm going to do this violent thing during a violent movie!"

I am just curious and I would like to have some clarification.

potentialnamebusines3 karma

My mother and sisters all have EDS! And I'm curious about a million things!

Do you suffer chronic pain? How do you manage it? My sisters all do yoga to specifically strengthen their joints and try to avoid hypermobility while also getting a workout in since 2/3 can't actually do other exercises due to heart and spinal issues.

Have you tried any sort of special diets? How do your doctors/friends/whomever react to you telling then about your EDS? Have you felt as though weather and altitude affect you?

I don't know anyone outside of my family with EDS and I wonder how things compare!

potentialnamebusines1 karma

That sounds absolutely miserable! It amazes me how folks with EDS manage their symptoms and just keep trucking on.

I'm sorry people are shitty. My sister had to deal with a rather rude individual today due to her invisible illness as we found parking for a fireworks show close to the show due to her disabled parking. Turned out to be rather useful since she had to be carried back to the car after a long day.

How do you find it difficult with processing birth control? If you don't mind my prying. I know it can be a rather invasive question.

potentialnamebusines1 karma

Do you have a recommendation for a jungle Athena build?