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portnoi11 karma

It's been a long time since Theresa Thorn was on Jordan Jesse Go as a guest, and then to make a very special announcement. And I believe she's said she doesn't listen to JJGo. Aside from the question of when she might make another appearance -- especially now that it would be a podcast cross-over episode -- I have a more critical question. Do Theresa and Jordan get along? I don't think I've ever heard of a Theresa/Jordan friendship story.

portnoi3 karma

I live in L.A. now and have had the chance to hang out at various events with a lot of hosts, and I'm gay. I think if someone harbored homophobia or racism or sexism, they would be put off by the goofy-warm atmosphere that seems to exude the hosts and staff. It's just obvious what MaxFun is, and how confused the staff and audience would be if you tried to bring nasty energy in.