Highest Rated Comments

popcorncolonel696 karma

How does it feel like? I’m serious man, how does it feel like?

popcorncolonel321 karma

Yeah, whenever I think of Amir outside of character, I think of this video.

popcorncolonel172 karma

Have you ever had an outtake in the middle of a crucial scene (ex. the xbox smash in Explanation, end of Monopoly, soup part in April Fools Soup, or the cereal kick in Cereal)? If so, how did you guys deal with it?

popcorncolonel87 karma

  • Is it in your will for Dwarf Fortress to go open source after you pass away? A great game like this shouldn't ever stop development.

  • How do you stay so focused and retain all the information and varying depths to the game, knowing what links where etc etc.

  • What has been your worst experience in the development of Dwarf Fortress?

  • How many hours have you put into Dwarf Fortress?

  • Has a fan ever recognized you? What happened?

  • Do you embrace the jokes of you "being taken by a mood" or hate them?

  • How much consideration goes into each feature before it is implimented or denied?

  • How hard is it to say no to a feature request?

  • How do you feel about the ideas of danger rooms and other misuses for extreme advantages?

  • What is your favorite Dwarf Fortress story, from a player or yourself?

  • How frequently do you play Dwarf Fortress as opposed to working on it? Are the hours comparable?


  • I wish I could be half as intelligent as you. The Fortress naming of prefixes suffixes, etc etc is astounding, not lacking a hint of detail. The shortening of dwarven names is impressive. I don't know how you do it, but every time a name or job title is shortened I know exactly what its supposed to say. You Legendary wordsmith you.

popcorncolonel61 karma

Who was the one who wrote the little caption of CH videos? (i.e. ‘In LA, it's not "How do you do?" it's "Who do you do?"’ of Celebrity Date)