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poontanger227 karma

What are your religious beliefs, if any?

poontanger25 karma

I am a current WF banker, I think it depends on the branch you work at. I had the good fortune at working at a branch in one of the wealthiest parts of the state. There was an abundance of business to earn and very little need to cheat assuming you were somewhat competent. I've been promoted constantly and never done anything I feel was wrong. Plus, most the clients were very financially savvy and it would be tough to scam them anyways.

Point is, yes, you can be successful in the job and still be honest, but it's harder to meet goals if you're in the "wrong branch" On the other hand, there are branches where the clientele barely qualify for a checking account, much less a credit card or loan. Being a banker there would be insanely difficult to meet sales goals, and those types of clients are easier to prey on because they don't know what you're doing.

poontanger8 karma

Although I am somewhat familiar with Crohns, can you provide some insight into what it is and what your symptoms and complications were that lead to you having your large intestine removed?

Also, how does your body produce waste now that your no longer have a large intestine?

Thanks for doing this! Very interesting!

poontanger2 karma

This is false from both a Christian perspective and a constitutional perspective.

The constitution originally applied only to the federal govt, and it only said congress couldn't make laws which regulated religion, not that the state couldn't affirm religious ceremonies. States, however, had much more freedom to create a religious culture.

From a biblical perspective, Christians are absolutely expected to allow their faith to influence how they govern. This doesn't mean we will push for explicitly religious legislation, but the legislation we seek to pass will he influenced by religious thought. I say this as a christian currently running for office.

poontanger2 karma

I've always enjoyed irony :)