Highest Rated Comments

poofycow105 karma

Any big plans now that you have a million in revenue? Other business interests or personal interests outside gaming you would go after? Just looking to live vicariously through you haha.

poofycow30 karma

Nice, yah does sound like the dream to me. Be able to put my energy towards my own pursuits. Best of luck with your future endeavors!

poofycow1 karma

When you are creating dialogue for characters (even just character background and preparing for content in your narration) - do you find you do a lot of research or reading to help prepare? Or do you work off everything currently swirling in your head and try to remain open to information around you so that you can continually add to your story in revisions etc. Cheers :)

On a side note, your writing style was a source of influence and inspiration for my first novel. You do great work that really sticks with me. Even years after reading.