Highest Rated Comments

pondertheworld2 karma

You guys rock and I know you all are probably on a time crunch but I would really love to hear something a bit more personal. Like, what makes your blood boil the most? What gets you up in the morning?

Thanks for the links! :)

pondertheworld2 karma

Haha, I'm giving a speech on the ACLU today in my public speaking class! This is so perfect. I emailed some of the staff at the Colorado ACLU but I haven't heard back from them yet, so... I have some questions I'd love answered that don't necessarily have anything to do with the focus of this AMA, if that's okay, haha.

To anyone: What is your personal mission at the ACLU? I see that the mission statement says: "Our mission is to protect, defend and extend the civil rights and civil liberties of all people in Colorado through litigation, education and advocacy." But I'm interested in maybe getting a more personal answer... I copy-pasted that quote from the Colorado ACLU website but I feel like it can be a blanket statement, hah.

Also, what is your personal vision for the future for your organization? It would be wonderful if you could just tell me one thing that you'd really like to see happen within the next five years, or even decade.