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polic185 karma

This list literally describes every rapper in Toronto. This described drake at one point lol.

I thought a huge chunk of human trafficking in North America is Chinese girls being brought over for a better life, then having their passports taken and forced to do sex work in in massage parlours and seedy motels/ apartments. The traffickers being other Asians that sound nothing like this list.

polic119 karma

Eat your brains claire? That’s disgusting.

polic16 karma

When I say massage parlour I mean the happy ending ones. And the sleezy hotels I mean the ones they book to see clients out of.

polic12 karma

What’s your purpose in life?

polic11 karma

Who was the biggest, most famous star during your entire life? You've seen so many come and go, who was the one that nobody else can hold a candle to, even today?