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pm_me_judge_reinhold28 karma

JOHN!!! The Big Lebowski is one of my favorite movies and one reason is because of all the CCR! How did they approach you about that, and do you have any thoughts on that movie? Also, do you also hate the Eagles?

pm_me_judge_reinhold4 karma

Hi Alex! Did you get to meet the Sax Player from Lost Boys? And do YOU STILL BELIEEEEEEVE?!

pm_me_judge_reinhold1 karma

GARY!! Huge fan! I have a question about a rumor that's been going around for a long time about you on the set of Black Sheep. It's been said you and David Spade didn't get along at all due to his constantly farting during your scenes together. It sounds made up, but I thought I'd check to see if there is any validity to the rumor?

pm_me_judge_reinhold1 karma

You watch too many movies.

pm_me_judge_reinhold1 karma

LONELY ISLAND!! My question is for Jorm. When are we getting MACGRUBER 2?!