Highest Rated Comments

plumpohlily9 karma


Are there still prostitutes riding on boats just to get on your ship?

Lots of filipino seafarers have this reputation that when a ship goes to Brazil, it is like a den of open sex there. How true is that?

Also, does your marine agency offer retirement plans for seafarers no longer active? Im just generalizing because most of the filipino seafarers i know are either broke or wrapped in debt.

plumpohlily3 karma

Wow, thank you very much for answering!! 😊😊😊😊

plumpohlily3 karma

Hahaha thank you so much for answering.

plumpohlily1 karma

Hi, can you or your employees access your clients' password? if not, how does that work?

plumpohlily-4 karma

Im late for the party.

Were you the one who formulated your own grooming products? Does your manufacturer also manufacture commercialized products and yoi just rebrand then? What makes your product stand out? What would make a man buy it?