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pleasespeakwellofme7 karma

Why is it important that you know her sex life? Do you ask other people about their sex life? I am genuinely curious, partially because I am in a wheelchair with CRPS and I guess I would prefer people not be interested in my sex life JUST because I am disabled.

If you and this person are close or somewhat friendly I would say it may be ok to just say "You know I have to admit Ive wondered how physical intimacy is for you since this started", I have certainly had friends ask but more for my own emotional support. Perhaps when you are sharing stuff about your own sex life since you would then also be divulging things. I can't say however that I would be cool with someone I barely knew needing to know if my disability impacts my love life. I understand the curiosity though, there's so much about the lives of others that we don't understand until we ask someone about their own day to day existence, etc. I just think questions like that can make someone feel "freakish" or like they are different due to their disability or disease.

pleasespeakwellofme4 karma

I cannot speak for OP but do have CRPS. It can be so painful that a fan blowing on the area is intolerable. For instance: I have to take morphine to just be able to tolerate shaving my leg and wearing shoes is very very painful. People with CRPS often cannot tolerate wearing clothes or shoes or have very specific fabrics/sensations they can handle and ones they cannot. Imagine parts of your body having like super sonic sensory abilities but also being fire and stabbed and sat on by an elephant. Thats basically CRPS in a nutshell.

I have it in my entire left leg up to my hip and my left foot along with parts of my right foot and it's left me in a wheelchair because walking is too painful. So generally any touching anywhere the CRPS feels like shit. Unfortunately many normal activities like massages or sex can just irritate your nervous system since CRPS is a disorder of the brain/nervous system.

Its amazing how bizarre it is. My husband can be sitting on the couch next to me and if he is nervously tapping his leg, the reverberations can make my feet and legs hurt. Super weird awful disease.

pleasespeakwellofme3 karma

I think in that case that you could easily say one day "hey I saw an AMA with a young woman who also have CRPS and she was very open about she deals with it and her sex life. It struck me that we have never talked about that aspect of your life. Would you be cool sharing with me how its changed things in the bedroom etc" I hope I didn't come off as mean or critical, I just am sensitive towards people "othering" those who are disabled especially around sex. Some of this is my own shit obviously, adjusting to being disabled is complex ;)

pleasespeakwellofme2 karma

Marinol is really different than actual weed because theres no CBD in it. Im about to fly out to Colorado (oh god flying in a wheelchair sounds like hell) so I can try several kinds of weed but specifically ones HIGH in CBD to help my CRPS pain. I started on Marinol and now have started smoking weed and its been GREAT for my gastroparesis nausea and my daily headaches but not pain so I want to see how CBD may help. It may be worth looking into weed that has more CBD as thats the part that is best for neuropathic pain. Like you, I have tried A LOT of stuff and so far only find morphine and IP ketamine infusions helpful.