Highest Rated Comments

playswithf1re260 karma

Hi Nick. Thanks a million for doing this AMA.

  1. Australia's mainstream media outlets have all but ignored the political football of the NBN for far too long. Was the gag policy you were under something that applied to all journalists at the ABC?

  2. What was the involvement of the "dual employee" you hinted at on Twitter yesterday?

  3. Is (was?) that dual employee an employee of both the ABC and which other organisation?

  4. How do you feel about the ABC charter, and did the gagging order breach it?

  5. You've indicated on twitter that being gagged on this issue has affected your health. I hope that this this AMA session proves to be greatly beneficial for your physical and mental health. What health issues has it caused (aside from stress?)

Again, thanks a million for doing this.

playswithf1re20 karma

... if only she'd had the technical knowledge to crucify him on that point.

playswithf1re12 karma

MSM = Main Stream Media NBN = National Broadband Network FTTH = Fibre To The Home (aka Labor's NBN plan) FTTN = Fibre To The Node (aka Coalitions "fraudband" NBN plan) TIL = Today I learned (there's a TIL subreddit by the way) SNAFU = Situation Normal: All Fucked Up FUBAR = Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

playswithf1re8 karma

Was thinking about doing this myself, but I now what would happen - I'd be midway through a bartending shift and something would break that I need to urgently fix. :/

playswithf1re1 karma

Recent changes in Australia to privacy and FOI laws have left us without a dedicated FOI commissioner, and with a government who seems hell bent on invading our privacy and refusing to provide information under the freedom of information act. How does your organisation feel about these really quite disgraceful steps in the wrong direction for Australia?