Highest Rated Comments

platypusfriend3 karma

And I am a loyal customer of said cans. However... :) I would buy MORE OF YOUR PRODUCT if you started canning. For real. So would my wife.

EDIT: Because..and let's be honest here..Widmer Hef isn't notorious for it's amazing shelf life in the bottle.

platypusfriend3 karma

Gentlemen, the world would love to see you can.

platypusfriend2 karma

I really like a 49% 2-row / 49% white wheat base with 1% munich and 1% C40; medium-light cascade/willamette pellet finish. Drink it fresh.

platypusfriend1 karma

Duet FTW!

platypusfriend1 karma

Good point-- Yes, pour them both into a glass.

The can tastes quite noticeably better.