Highest Rated Comments

planet_jones6 karma

Why is the IBM documentation and forums so poor? There's a lot of great content on there, but finding it is a nightmare. Both help and forums are slow. The search facilities aren't great. And worst of all is the display of the Help Center - try viewing it on a mobile device. It loads ok then the Javascript or whatever kicks in and makes it unreadable.

planet_jones5 karma

What tool do you use for source code management? Please God tell me it's not ClearCase!

planet_jones5 karma

That would be great if you could try and sort it on mobile. There are lots of times I've been trying to read something on my way home and it's proved impossible. You have to stop it rendering at just the right moment.

If you could also give some more resources to the IBM servers to speed them up that would be good too. I've never looked in detail why the pages seem so sluggish. Maybe it's client side stuff.

Red Books are usually very good - but not that discoverable via a google search

planet_jones3 karma

Is Liberty going to continue to be free? Couldn't this severely dent IBM's income as development teams move to Eclipse and liberty away from the super expensive RAD with bundled WAS for Windows.

planet_jones3 karma

I've worked in many big companies and most of them just use the basic Eclipse features, but persist with RAD because they want the websphere integration. I would imagine RAD licenses account for a lot of IBM's income in this area. interesting.