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placentasalad67 karma

This joke is more clever than the karma you received for it.

placentasalad36 karma

Yup. Watching Empire right now.

Also, Jar Jar was great as a kid. Probably my favorite character in the movie. I would walk around the house talking like him for weeks (probably to my dad's annoyance). Rewatching Phantom Menace as an adult... holy shit.

placentasalad3 karma

Hi Kevin! First off, I’m a HUGE fan and your work means a lot to me. Not only your songs, but the way you come across as a person (intelligent, humble) is an inspiration as well. I’ve met you several times and the first two times were within a year of each other, and you said “Haven’t we met before?”. I heard you do the same to others you genuinely recongnized.

The first time I saw you was at a Bad Books show in San Francisco. It was one of the most fun times I’ve ever had at a show. You talked to everyone afterward for a long time, signed stuff, etc. I tried to give you a CD of my band Every Atlas afterward and you said you liked the artwork. I probably rambled a lot and sounded like an idiot, but I was really stoked. A lot of times I’m afraid to meet an artist because I want to separate them from their songs in case they come across differently in person (it’s happened before). You were above and beyond what I expected.

The time after that was a free acoustic show in a park in Davis (maybe Berkley?. I’m an idiot and didn’t want to bug you with another CD, but you accidentally left the copy I gave you on the BB tour van, so I probably should have. Especially since I’m pretty sure you drove to that show yourself in your car.

SO my stupid question is: will you listen to my band? You’re a huge influence on us, especially my songwriting. We just released two new songs on our band camp (everyatlas.bandcamp.com). I feel like an asshole each time I do this, but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t. I mean, you’re a record label exec now. (;

Thanks for the great memories. You guys killed it on the Bubblegum tour.


placentasalad2 karma

That's probably one of my favorite KD songs ever. When it cuts to just the acoustic guitar, I get chills all over man.

placentasalad2 karma

Could you tell us a little bit about the kickstarter rewards (some of the larger ones) finally coming to fruition? How has it been? I like that we got to hear the song you recorded with one of the backers (I forget her name).