Highest Rated Comments

pixelcat1350 karma

You will never regret this decision. I had a reduction about 10 years ago and it was the best decision I ever made. I went from a DDD to a C. No regrets whatsoever. The scars are barely visible after all this time. I remember being pretty uncomfortable for a while though so I hope you're 100% healed soon. My nerve pains lasted for months until they were finally gone but that was more of an annoyance than anything. I did, however, think seriously about burning my compression bra. Man I hated that thing by the time I was done with it! I'm very happy for you- this surgery changed my life in many ways, all of them positive!

pixelcat136 karma

I had this surgery as well and although I think it's different for everyone, I did regain sensation in my nipples. Not as much as I had before but yes, they are still sensitive. It takes some time though, that doesn't return right away.