Highest Rated Comments

pittyh87 karma

Hi Raffi, I have lots of questions from The /r/NoMansSkyTheGame Sub, here are some of them:

When playing the game, how did it make you feel, and what was the reaction Sean gave when you expressed your feelings over what you were seeing that he had created?

Was there any mention when you were there of any major upcoming gaming events that No Man's Sky would be shown at?

pittyh11 karma

"At the end of your New Yorker article you watched Murray warp to an unknown destination. He was hesitant because there is a chance that the planet wouldn't be interesting. What did you see at the unknown destination? Was it a barren, lifeless rock? If so, were there still interesting features to observe?"

pittyh3 karma

How far along did you think NMS looked ?

pittyh3 karma

One last one from me,

Did you notice any Object LOD Pop-ins when playing? Some of the earlier videos had some severe pop-ins