Highest Rated Comments

pirasosa34 karma

I'm late to the party but here are some examples of what is not being done:

  1. Licensing for new beers and other products is at a hault
  2. Affordable housing contracts are expiring
  3. Some health/food inspections are not occurring or being delayed
  4. Civil Rights agencies are at a halt so citizens cases are at a standstill
  5. Important science experiments are not being maintained. Years of work can go down the drain.
  6. Everything NASA is doing is at a halt
  7. Tax Refunds. The White House recently claimed that tax season will not be affected but as of today IRS employees are still furloughed
  8. If there is a wildfire, the forest service is furloughed
  9. If the shutdown reaches feburary, food stamps will also be affected.

pirasosa2 karma

What's been your biggest challenge since you started doing this?

How have your peers reacted?

Interview suggestion: look into law enforcement professionals. Depending on what you want to do in law enforcement, there's no straight path to do it. Especially if you want to go federal. Also they have some interesting stories.