Highest Rated Comments

pipboylover13 karma

How's the bug situation there? What are you doing for fun?

pipboylover8 karma

Thanks! Thought of more questions -- with it being such a tight'knit community, are you concerned about repercussions of your job? People taking it out on you if their relatives get convicted, for example? Also, what are the common crimes there? Amd how do public defender resources stack up there compared to US? Do you habe more or less time to devote to each client? Thanks for doing this AMA btw -- very interesting!

pipboylover8 karma

Sounds great except for the spiders! I'm arachnaphobic. Are they everywhere?

pipboylover3 karma

What is the scariest situation you've ever been in? Which story are you most glad to have reported?

pipboylover3 karma

Except we have the first amendment so our fuckwits don't have the power to do what NZ did to this book.