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pieterh125 karma

no government


I think that addresses it.

pieterh81 karma

I've done a lot in my life. It is really nice to be at home, with my kids. Like I wrote a while back, who needs a bucket list when you have love?

I do want to finish one more book though.

pieterh47 karma

Yes, given that my cancer will spread down from my lungs into my stomach, then to my digestive system, meaning I'll be unable to eat and will be in real and constant pain, and will lose weight and then start to have circulation problems... I will go the same route as my father.

I'll let anyone be there who wants to be there. That's a personal choice I won't influence. My kids, I hope, will be there so they see death close up and it loses its mystery and dread for them.

I hope my last days are well drugged up. :)

pieterh44 karma

Do you have any regrets? Things you wished you had done?

Not that I can think of. We all do our best, don't we? Even when it doesn't look like it, every individual is always playing their best game, whatever it is. That's how I see it. Regret is a pointless emotion then. Same for wishing things had been different.

pieterh31 karma

This is probably the best question in the AMA and needs to be top.

Fight for it at state level. Planned death is IMO a basic human right. It is like free access to recreational drugs: a matter of individual liberty, the choice to not suffer, and the freedom from oppressive "moral" codes set by others.

Fight for it. Find organizations, join them, give them your time and money, help them with your talents. It is a matter of telling real peoples' stories, both happy and sad. It is a matter of setting faces and families against the grim lie of "death panels". It is a matter of taking this to law makers, at state level, over and over, until they realize it.