Highest Rated Comments

picmandan113 karma

Holy crap what a read. Including:

Ogden, still latched onto Lancaster, had begun to suffer from frostbite, bruising and exhaustion. He was relieved by the remaining two flight attendants. By this time Lancaster had already shifted an additional six to eight inches out the window. From the flight deck, the flight and cabin crew were able to view his head and torso through the left direct vision window. Lancaster's face was continuously hitting the direct vision window; when cabin crew saw this and noticed that Lancaster's eyes were opened but not blinking despite the force against the window, they assumed that Lancaster was dead.

picmandan15 karma

I don't buy most of these. Yes, it can take longer to sell your old place, and you have more crap, so moving IS more of a chore.

But if you have a family with kids in school, it doesn't matter renting or owning, you're not going to want to move in the middle of the school year. And on the flip side, with renting you often have a lease which runs every 12 months, limiting your ability to move before lease end.

picmandan14 karma

Morning renews after either party has recieved at least 3 hours of contiguous sleep post midnight; or after daybreak, excepting northernmost or southernmost locales in the summer, in which case morning is limited to occurring no earlier than 4:30am.

picmandan12 karma

This goes back quite a few years, but I had some diver friends that would take Bonine. (Can’t get drowsy when you’re swimming and monitoring O2).

picmandan9 karma

Probably why he doesn't plan to offer an API.