Highest Rated Comments

phoenixcalida3469 karma

who we are as people. we can talk about our jobs, how to stay safe, talk about laws. but we are also people. i would love for people in general to ask about who we are as people. our hobbies, religious philosphy, what ice cream we like? we are more than our jobs.

phoenixcalida2411 karma

French vanilla!

phoenixcalida2311 karma

The irony isn't lost on me

phoenixcalida815 karma

For me, the idea that sex workers are inherently broken or damaged is really harmful. When sex workers adovcate for themselves, our opinions are overlooked because we are assumed to be too immoral or too broken to actually know what's best for our own communities. As a result, others tend to speak for us and about us, but don't actually understand our needs. often the "help" we get actually hurts us. the best thing for people to do is actually listen to sex workers. there are blogs, articles, podcasts, interviews. sex workers have always spoken, but it's hard to get people to hear us.

phoenixcalida187 karma

crochet and gardening