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petrapav3 karma

Our issue mainly is that he really gets defensive and agfresuve when we mention his weight. He knows he's overweight but there's nothing pushing him to lose it. We've given him the health scare multiple times but he hasn't really lost any considerable weight. He does play some tennis but not regularly. Thank you for your advise :) the one step we haven't taken is brining him to a doctor so I shall recommend that.

petrapav3 karma

What's I a good way to motivate someone to lose weight? How do we go about controlling his diet without making him feel like were constraining him. He always gets annoyed when we tell him to watch his weight and all. He is 20 now and obese. What exercise regimens do you reccomend as well

petrapav2 karma

Have you ever encountered a situation where the women have been an extreme turn on and you just have to explode or something? I mean stripping doesn't involve any direct contact, right? And where did you learn your moves???

petrapav1 karma

I.hope this is still on.... I just learned a load of information on the Vietnam war from their side and the facts released by america is very off. I'd like to know what went into your head at that time. I mean what were your (your militarily) goals for Vietnam and did you agree with how it was played out?