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penguinsandbatman42 karma

There seems to be an ever growing divide between the left and the right. I see the two main parties as becoming more polarized. What can we do as citizens and individuals to allow more options into the spotlight and hopefully bring in centrists and politicians that are actually willing to work with the other side?

penguinsandbatman5 karma

I hope my question doesn't come off insincere but this is something I've faced multiple times in the past.

penguinsandbatman5 karma

How does someone account for tone? For example, someone comes up to me and says, "I like those jeans!" in a sincere manner vs. the same thing in a seductive or suggestive tone?

Is this open to interpretation and difficult to prove?

penguinsandbatman2 karma

It usually happens when I'm getting coffee and she walks by. I always notice her checking me out from the reflection on the board. I'll take notes from now on. I don't mind genuine compliments. I've recently gone through a weight loss journey and it was so heartwarming to hear people tell me that I was inspiring or look so happy. These are just a bit out there from the norm.